Создание нового оружия

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В этой статье мы научимся создавать новые образцы вооружения. Для начала, мы будем использовать модели из оригинальной игры. Если вы хотите создать оружие, имеющее уникальный внешний вид, ознакомьтесь с уроком по созданию моделей.


Новое оружие мы будем делать на базе оригинальных конфигурационных файлов. Сделаем, скажем, АК101 на базе конфигов АК74. Для этого скопируем файл из папки:


Назовем его ak101.ltx.

Отредактируем свойства по своему усмотрению (но лучше - в соответствии с достоверной информацией о характеристиках оружия, т.к. АК101 - всё-таки оружие реально существующее). Редактирование конфигов оружия подробно описано в отдельном уроке. В данном случае конфиг был составлен таким образом:

GroupControlSection		= spawn_group
discovery_dependency	= 
$spawn              	= "weapons\ak-101"	; name and section in level editor
$npc					= on				
$prefetch 				= 8
scheduled				= off               ;[] option for ALife Simulator
cform               	= skeleton
class               	= WP_AK74			; class of the weapon that corresponding to CPP class
min_radius          	= 30				; [] for AI
max_radius          	= 100				; [] for AI
description				= enc_weapons1_wpn-ak101
ef_main_weapon_type		= 2
ef_weapon_type			= 6

holder_range_modifier	= 1.0		       ; во сколько раз увеличивается eye_range 
holder_fov_modifier		= 0.7              ; во сколько раз увеличивается eye_fov

cost					= 2;4000				; the price of the item
weapon_class			= assault_rifle		; the type of the box that will be used in buy-menu in multiplayer mode	
ammo_limit				= 210				; obsolete
ammo_elapsed			= 30				; obsolete
ammo_mag_size			= 30				; clip (magazine) size
fire_modes				= 1, -1

ammo_class				= ammo_5.56x45_ss190, ammo_5.56x45_ap	   ; name of the ltx-section of used ammo 
grenade_class			= ammo_vog-25, ammo_vog-25p			; name of the ltx-section of used grenades 
launch_speed			= 0

hand_dependence			= 1									; how many hands (1 or 2) we used to hold weapon in
single_handed			= 0
slot 					= 2									; number of slot in inventory we put weapon in (1 - knife slot, 2 - pistol, 3 - rifle, 4 - grenade, 5 - apparatus)
animation_slot			= 2									; type of the animation that will be used

inv_name	        	= wpn-ak101							; name in inventory	
inv_name_short			= wpn-ak101
inv_weight			= 3.3								; weight in inventory

inv_grid_width			= 5	 ; position and size of the icon that will be used to display weapon in the inventory menu
inv_grid_height			= 2	 ; all icons are on the texture ui_icon_equipment.dds,   
inv_grid_x				= 11  ; position and size are in terms of 64x64 squares
inv_grid_y				= 29

kill_msg_x			= 0
kill_msg_y			= 28
kill_msg_width		= 84
kill_msg_height		= 28

; base dispersion
; === Setting of the weapon shooting dispersal parameter ===
;Dispersal consists from to basic constituents – dispersal of the weapon (relatively small). In fact, this is a dispersal of a weapon griped in a vice; - dispersal of the weapon behavior in the hands of the host (if he running, or walking or shoots in single shots or in a burst) is another, more significant factor of dispersal. 
;Dispersal of the weapon depends only from basic dispersal, basket case factor ant time of the ammo.
;Dispersal of the way the host shooting (standing, running and etc.)
;Two types of shooting modes can be defined: - usual mode and zoomed mode.  
;Usual mode: - depends from the position of the player while shooting (standing, sitting, walking and running)
;Zoomed mode – depends from the dispersal of the weapon and do NOT depends from the position of the shooter. In that mode, dispersal of the weapon &laquo switches to;»  sight swinging (created be effector). 
;Weapon recoil in the game also created by recoil effector. 
;params of weapon recoil
fire_dispersion_base			= 0.15;0.2		;угол (в градусах) базовой дисперсии оружия (оружия зажатого в тисках)
control_inertion_factor			= 1.1f;1.25f

cam_relax_speed         		=6;5;3.5; 0.15		;скорость возврата в исходное положение
cam_dispersion          		= 0.1;0.15		;увеличения угла (в градусах) с каждым выстрелом
cam_dispersion_inc			= 0.2;0.3		;увеличениe cam_dispersion с каждым выстрелом
cam_dispertion_frac			= 0.8;0.9		;ствол будет подыматься на cam_dispersion*cam_dispertion_frac +- cam_dispersion*(1-cam_dispertion_frac)
cam_max_angle				= 10.0	    	;максимальный угол отдачи
cam_max_angle_horz			= 20.0		;(degree) maximum shot horizontal degree 
cam_step_angle_horz			= 1.1;1		;(degree) size of step camera moved in horizontal position while shooting

fire_dispersion_condition_factor 	= 5.7;5	    	;увеличение дисперсии в процентах при максимальном износе 
misfire_probability 		= 0.0055;0.003	;вероятность осечки при максимальном износе 
misfire_condition_k			= 0.06;0.05
condition_shot_dec 			= 0.00035;0.0001	;увеличение износа при каждом выстреле

fire_point             		=  0,0.216,0.638			; position (3rd person view) for particles of fire 
fire_point2            		=  0,0.216,0.730			; position (3rd person view) for particles of fire (when shooting with secondary fire)

flame_particles				= weapons\generic_weapon05	; particles for shooting effects
smoke_particles				= weapons\generic_shoot_00
grenade_flame_particles		= weapons\generic_weapon01
shell_point		 			= 0,0.216,0.174				; position (3rd person view) for shell to throw out
shell_particles	 			= weapons\generic_shells	; name of the particles for shells

PDM_disp_base 				= 1.0
PDM_disp_vel_factor 		= 1.3
PDM_disp_accel_factor 		= 1.3
PDM_crouch	 				= 1.0
PDM_crouch_no_acc 			= 1.0

; ttc
hit_power                	= 0.36, 0.4, 0.43, 0.46		; size of damage by bullet
hit_impulse		 			= 140		; size of physic impulse by bullet	
hit_type 					= fire_wound 	; [] type of the wound
fire_distance            	= 1700		; maximum fire distance that bullet can fly
bullet_speed				= 1000		; starting bullet speed
rpm                      	= 750		; max round per minute

use_aim_bullet				= true		;Поддерживается ли первая суппер пуля
time_to_aim					= 1.0	

;params when silencer is attached 
;similar to corresponding params without prefix silencer_

silencer_hit_power       	= 0.38
silencer_hit_impulse	 	= 120
silencer_fire_distance   	= 250
silencer_bullet_speed	 	= 600

hud                      	= wpn_ak101_hud				; name of the section of the hud

position         	        = -0.026,-0.172,0			; position (offset) and orientation of the weapon in the hands of character
orientation      	        = 0,0,0						; (3rd person view)

;--STRAP PARAMETERS-----------------------------------------------------------------
strap_position         		= -0.16,-0.40,0.15			; position (offset) and orientation of the weapon when it is strapped
strap_orientation      		= -10,-5,10					; (3rd person view in degrees)
strap_bone0					= bip01_spine2
strap_bone1					= bip01_spine1

visual         		        = weapons\ak-101\wpn_ak101		; name of the model for 3rd person view

light_color					= 0.6,0.5,0.3				; params for light during the fire
light_range					= 5							; radius
light_var_color				= 0.05						
light_var_range				= 0.5
light_time 					= 0.2						

ph_mass						= 5							; physic mass (kg)

scope_status				= 2							; 0 - no addon
silencer_status				= 2							; 1 - permanent
grenade_launcher_status		= 0;2							; 2 - attachable

zoom_enabled				= true						; (on,off)zoom mode (right mouse button)
scope_zoom_factor	    	= 50						; fov for zoom mode

scope_name 					= wpn_addon_scope			; section name for the attachable scope
scope_x 					= 42						; offset in inventory icon
scope_y 					= 3
silencer_name  				= wpn_addon_silencer		; section name for the attachable silencer
silencer_x 					= 218						; offset in inventory icon
silencer_y 					= 13					
grenade_launcher_name 		= wpn_addon_grenade_launcher; section name for the attachable grenade launcher
grenade_launcher_x 			= 116						; offset in inventory icon
grenade_launcher_y 			= 23

;sounds (name of the sound, volume (0.0 - 1.0), delay (sec))
snd_draw					= weapons\ak74_draw
snd_holster					= weapons\generic_holster
snd_shoot					= weapons\ak74_shot_0
snd_shoot1					= weapons\ak74_shot_1
snd_shoot2					= weapons\ak74_shot_2
snd_shoot3					= weapons\ak74_shot_3		
snd_empty					= weapons\gen_empty, 0.5
snd_reload					= weapons\ak74_reload, 0.7, 0.35
snd_shoot_grenade			= weapons\gen_grenshoot
snd_reload_grenade			= weapons\gen_grenload, 1.0, 0.8
snd_switch					= weapons\groza_switch, 1.0, 0.5

;params when silencer is attached 
;similar to corresponding params without prefix silencer_

;silencer_flame_particles 	= weapons\generic_weapon01
silencer_smoke_particles 	= weapons\generic_shoot_00

snd_silncer_shot			= weapons\w_ak74_shot1 

silencer_light_color		= 0.6,0.5,0.3
silencer_light_range		= 0.01
silencer_light_var_color	= 0.05
silencer_light_var_range	= 0.5
silencer_light_time 		= 0.2

allow_inertion				= true

;similar to corresponding params in weapon section but for 1st person view

shell_point					= -0.065000,0.000000,-0.045000
shell_dir			     	= 0.0, 1.0, 0.0

fire_point               	= 0.09,0.020,-0.06
fire_point2              	= 0.30, 0.00, 0.05
fire_bone               	= wpn_body

orientation             	= 0, 0, 0		
position                	= 0, 0, 0.05
visual                  	= weapons\ak-101\wpn_ak101_hud

grenade_bone            	= wpn_grenade	; name of the bone in the model for grenade launcher

; animation names

anim_idle					= idle
anim_idle_aim				= idle_aim
anim_reload					= reload
anim_draw					= draw_wo_gl
anim_holster				= holster_wo_gl
anim_shoot					= shoot
; animation names
; attached grenade launcher [GRENADE fire mode]
anim_idle_g					= idle_grenade
anim_idle_g_aim				= idle_g_aim
anim_reload_g				= reload_grenade
anim_shoot_g				= shoot_grenade
anim_switch_grenade_on		= switch_grenade
anim_switch_grenade_off		= switch_grenade_off
anim_draw_g					= draw_grenade_mode
anim_holster_g				= holster_grenade_mode

; attached grenade launcher [NORMAL fire mode]
anim_idle_gl				= idle_w_gl
anim_idle_gl_aim			= idle_w_gl_aim
anim_reload_gl				= reload_w_gl
anim_draw_gl				= draw_w_gl
anim_holster_gl				= holster_w_gl
anim_shoot_gl				= shoot_w_gl
anim_idle_sprint			= idle_sprint

;HUD offset in zoom mode (to all)
;(use CONSOLE: hud_adjust_mode 0,1,2, then keys WSADQE and P to show current value in console)

zoom_offset			= -0.112400,0.016800,-0.115000
zoom_rotate_x		= 0.000200
zoom_rotate_y		= 0.017500

zoom_hide_crosshair	= true						;to hide crosshair in zoom 

; same as above, but for attached grenade launcher for
; in NORMAL shoot mode

grenade_normal_zoom_offset			= -0.112500,0.014000,0.000000
grenade_normal_zoom_rotate_x		= -0.000900
grenade_normal_zoom_rotate_y		= 0.017200

; same as above, but for attached grenade launcher for
; in GRENADE mode

grenade_zoom_offset			= -0.039600,-0.433100,0.000000
grenade_zoom_rotate_x		= -0.538700
grenade_zoom_rotate_y		= -0.033800

Итак, с характеристиками разобрались. Теперь зарегистрируем оружие в файле weapons.ltx. Для этого пропишем в него строку следующего вида:

#include "w_ak101.ltx"


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