Docs:Level geometry limits

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Revision as of 11:36, 6 February 2009 by Zergius (Talk | contribs)
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  • The entire geometry must be created in real-world sizes (if the table in the real life is 1 meter high, it must be created 1 meter high in Maya)
  • Character's bounding box has three states: standing (1.8х0.7х0.7 in meters , sitting (1.5х0.7х0.7 in meters) and crouching (1.2х0.7х0.7 in meters).
  • The entire level must be not larger than 150 thousand triangles.
outliner screenshot
outliner screenshot
  • The scene must consist of groups. The name of the group is composed according to the principle: mp_levelname_geometryname. For example:mp_atp_terrain, mp_atp_buildings</code. The group may have both one object, and several of them. The names of the objects inside the group must by no means coincide with the name of the group.

The names within one group must be unique.

mp_atp_terrain - game landscape
mp_atp_terrain - game landscape
mp_atp_buildings -  game geometry
mp_atp_buildings - game geometry
  • Object's shape must contain the correct name. It's composed according to the principle: object - <code> objectname, shape - objectnameShape
Objects' names in Maya
Objects' names in Maya
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