Actor Editor Import/Export Tutorial

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Ok, since there's like no documentation on this tool I though I'd do a small tutorial on it,

hopefully get some people interested in adding things like characters models and such.

First off download Xray Asset Tools (

It will provide you with the required plugins for maya, and Milkshape, as well as a converter to convert models to .object, .bones, and .skl(s).

Then make sure you have the Xray SDK installed. ( [Note: If you're running Vista or Win7, you will have to set the .exe files in /bin/ to compatibility mode with Windows XP SP2.]

Now few things you should know, make sure the textures on the model point to a .dds (Direct Draw Surface.), and that you place them in /X-Ray SDK/level_editor/gamedata/textures/act (They can really be in any folder, but it's for organizational purposes.) Copy the animation meshes from SHOC (They should be in Meshes/Actors once you extract the .db's) to /X-Ray SDK/level_editor/gamedata/meshes/actors/) You'll need them in a bit.

Before doing anything Select Preferences (within Actor Editor) and expand the Object Tree, and select Skeleton, now check all the dots.

Ok once you got your model exported as .object (via one of the converters) Go to File > Load and select the .object you just exported!

Now you may get some missing texture errors, don't worry.

Click Object in Object Items Group and check "Make Progressive".

Under Object Items group, Expand the Surfaces tree and select each surface, and point them to the correct texture.

Next Click on Motion (In Object Items Group) and if you have a .Skl(s) file already extracted you can click Edit > Append, and load it from there, if not click the ... on Motion reference, and select an animation set. Note: For animations to work the model must have THE EXACT SAME NUMBER OF BONES else you'll get an error. If your STALKER model is just a normal STALKER simply select Stalker_Animation and click OK.

Now lastly, the collision/hit detection(?) Expand the Bones Tree (In Object Items Group.) Now if you already converted a ogf to .bones this should take a few seconds, if you haven't then you'll manually have to create the collision model for each bone.

If you haven't click on a bone name, change the game material to "Creatures > Human" and change the

type either a box, sphere or cylinder. And adjust the length, height, and position of it all..(Will take quite a while.)

If you have a .bones file (You can extract them from ogf's using converter.exe, see the docs that come with it.) Click on Bones, and select load, browse to the .bones and click ok.

Now it's finally time to test it out in the editor, click Engine under the Model Group. It'll compile

the model so it may take a while.

Once thats done the model may seem like it's broken, don't fear! simply expand the Motions tab, and

Slot1 and select an animation. (You may also get a error box, ignore continue and ok..)

Once you're done fooling around with the model. Set it back to Editor Mode and Click File > Save, and then finally File > Export > OGF. And it'll compile the model (It may take a while!)

And then you're done!


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