Help:MOD page administration
From Mod Wiki
Наш портал является хорошим местом, чтобы сделать Ваш мод известным всем поклонникам игры S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Так, если Вы считаете, что Ваш мод заслуживает внимания игроков, смело следуйте приведенной ниже инструкции, она поможет Вам правильно разместить свой мод.
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How to register a MOD?
After the moderator registers your team, the team leader can create a MOD page as a usual article in the MOD names box. To do that, type the name of your mode in the search field Mod:<<name of your MOD>>
Create an article and fill out the MOD card template:
{{Mod |name=<<MOD_name>> |version=<<MOD version>> |resume=<<brief_description>> |team=<<developer_team>> |download=<<link to download>> |homepage==<<>> |discuss=<<>> }} ==Brief MOD description== <<The review of your development>> ==MODs list== <<The list of MODs>> ==Screenshots== <<Distinctive images of your MOD>> ~~~~~
Copy this text to the clipboard and replace the text in the fields between the brackets <<...>>.
Attention! We recommend to fill out the description of you MOD according to the following template for correct search and the accuracy of the information on your development displayed. Sections Brief MOD description, MODs list, Screenshots will be shown in the lists of MODs and are obligatory for filling.
After adding a MOD, the team leader can add the detailed MOD description and other helpful information to the MOD page. Only the team leader can update the MOD page; though any registered user can leave commentaries on the discussion page.
MOD name - Please choose unique names for your MODification. In case the MOD has the same name as the one created earlier, the former will be deleted.
MOD version - It's recommended to specify the version of the MODification. Because people are working on MODs continually, it's recommended to change the version of the MODification along with adding a new list of changes. For example, ver. 0.01 after adding changes to it will turn into ver. 0.02. If MODs author(-s) realize that they finished the work on the current MODification, it's necessary to specify that this version is final. For example "MOD Whatchamacallit - Final version".
MOD description -
The brief description with one-two sentences, which explains the idea of the MODification. The detailed description can contain the full list of changes into the game, instructions and authors' comments.
The detailed description is added directly on the page.
Authorship -
The reference to the user, who posted the MOD, link to the user's profile.
Attention! Any attempts to crib (the work of other MODs' authors) will be nipped in the bud. The consent of the authors is the necessary condition to use them in your own MODs. When using other people's MODs and their integral parts in creating new MODifications, the obligatory condition is to show the author's name.
Link to download -
Active link to download the MOD.
Attention! The authors take the responsibility for updating the functional links, and for the availability of MODs along these links.
MODs list - you can itemize the features of your MOD in the following way:
how to write | how it looks |
* modification-1 * modification-2 * modification-... * modification-n |
Brief MOD description - the review of the development.
Screenshots - not more than two screenshots that characterize your development.
<gallery> Image:Xr_screen_01_1024.jpg|S.T.A.L.K.E.R. screenshot commentary 01 Image:Xr_screen_02_1024.jpg|S.T.A.L.K.E.R. screenshot commentary 02 </gallery>
Optionally, you can add any number of sections and sub-sections on your MOD's page, for example General info, Additional screenshots etc.
Attention! Only the team leader can manage the page of your MOD.
MOD support
Certainly with time you will have a newer version of your MOD. You mustn't start everything from the beginning. Just refresh the information on the page of your MOD, having indicated new links and the detailed list of changes.
Pay attention to the "Discussion" tab in the upper part of the page. Other users can leave valuable commentaries there. We recommend you to use "Watch" function to track the commentaries that appear on this page.